winter 2023

Of maps for navigating the vast sea of the digital there would be several, but we will use the one made of the medium most dear to us, to which this magazine is completely dedicated: light. Hand in hand with the rest, it too has undergone momentous changes: thanks to digital, new artistic figures have arisen, and the creative possibilities related to the use and control of light have expanded, in forms and ways that were impossible to imagine in the old world of analog.
This is why this Issue 03 of Eki hopes to become for you a small “light” that “illuminates” the dark path into the digital world.

“I think all these technologies have a meaning beyond mere functional use. They come from human desire that springs directly from the human heart”.
Bill Viola

Interviews: Natasha Braier, Huan Tran, Nick Verstand, Esteban Diacono, Danielle Feinberg
Articles: Sandra Lischi, Massimiliano Rocchetti, Valentino Catricalà, Johanna Jaskowska, Rapsodia
Open call: Christian Schumacher, Matteo Speciale e Gianluca Benvenuti, Valentina Mondini