spring 2022

In this issue we will explore the characteristics of sunlight, its uses in cinema aesthetics, photography, painting and architecture, drawing from the contribution of artists from all fields and experts that are gifted not only with talent but also, and above all, with a gaze trained to observe the different lighting conditions.
Eki will explore Eki, admiring it with the very same respect and dedication that the ancients had for it: a star that is the Mother of the Earth and all its creatures.

“At rest, however, in the middle of everything is the sun, for in this most beautiful temple, who would place this lamp in another or better position than that from which it can light up the whole at the same time?”
Niccolò Copernico, De revoutionibus orbium coelestium, 1. I, cap. X

Interviews: Ami Vitale, James Nizam, Odile Decq, Roger Deakins, Angela Lane, Carlos Reygadas
Open call: Jaleh Sadravi, Matteo Capone, Neerja Chandna Peters
Articles: Francesco Spagna, Andrea Cattabriga, Nacho Zamora, Stefano Bevacqua, Daniela Sidari, Pasquale Mari, App Soho