spring 2021

Light is such a primordial and intrinsic element in our existence that we often do not perceive its power.
It’s chemistry, you feel it physically, it gives you warmth. Light is relationship and revelation of something in relation to something else, revelation of a body or a space but, also, of an emotional feeling; light is birth, spirit.
Its many manifestations always have something spectacular, in life, in art, in literature, in history: light is revolution.

“We give the sky its colour. Light knows when you’re looking, It’s almost like imbuing light with consciousness. It’s certainly a wonderful elixir. Vitamin D: it’s food. Without it there is no life. We are creatures of light, especially certain types of light, clearly we weren’t made for the midday sun. We were made for twilight. For reduced light. When light is reduced the pupil opens and we can really feel it.”
James Turrel

Interviews: Paolo Carnera, Sharon Calahan, Alex Webb, Bruce Munro, Jessica Hun Hen Yung
Open call: Lorena Florio, Lorenzo Miola, Manuel Delgado Merono
Articles: Tommaso Strinati, Tommaso Visone